Choosing the Right Blade – Diamond Grit

When choosing a diamond blade, the type of blade is important. What’s also important are the blade thickness and diamond grit.

Diamond grit characteristics

While there are many diamond grits available, 3 in particular (35/40, 45/50. 60/70) are used in the majority of electroplated diamond blades and tools.

Diamond Grit Characteristics
30/35 Very Rough
35/40 Rough

Good for when speed is important and a finished, smooth edge is of less importance. This grit will leave small nicks on the edge of gel coated parts (especially if they’re thin). Only recommended on blades 3/32” thick or thicker. If used on 1/16” thick blades, blade life will be greatly reduced.

40/45 Rough / Medium
45/50 Medium

Great for general purpose. Produces a largely nick-free finish and is recommended in 95% of all blade applications. The exceptions are gel coated or acrylic FRP laminates where a finer grit will be preferred. 45/50 grit offers a good compromise between speed of cut and finish and can also be used on 1/16” thick blades.

50/60 Medium / Medium Fine
60/70 Fine

Good for trimming gel coated or acrylic FRP laminates or when a smooth, nick-free edge is important. However, blade life is reduced compared to a 45/50 grit blade.

80/100  Very Fine
100/120  Extremely Fine

To find out more about blade thickness and grit, read Choosing the Right Blade – Thickness & Diamond Grit

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